Migraine Headache

The neurological system that runs through the body is very sensitive. This is why migraines, a neurological disease, are the 3rd most prevalent illness in the world. Things like foods, scents, hormones, or noise can all trigger a migraine. This disease is often undiagnosed or mistaken for just a headache. Knowing the difference, however, is important for choosing the best treatment for it.  

Migraine vs. Headache

There are some commonalities between a headache and a migraine, but a migraine is essentially a more severe headache. A headache is an unpleasant pain, pressure, or aching that can be felt in the temples, forehead, or back of the neck. They are commonly triggered by stress, anxiety, or muscle strain. A migraine consists of the same pains of a headache, but with more side effects such as nausea, vomiting, lightheadedness, or changes in vision. Some people will also experience sensitivity to light or noise. Migraines also have more causes and triggers than headaches.

What Causes a Migraine Headache?

The triggers for a migraine will vary depending on the person, but there are a lot of things that could be the culprit. Hormonal shifts, such as ones that occur during a menstrual cycle, can cause migraines. Allergies, changes in weather, lack of sleep, and alcohol can also play a factor. Experiencing emotional anxiety or menopause can also cause a migraine headache.

Migraine Headache Symptoms

Different people will experience migraine headaches with varying symptoms. The most common ones will include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, lightheadedness, and fatigue. Some people may also experience changes in vision and sensitivity to light, smells, and sounds. There are also symptoms that someone may feel before the actual migraine. Feeling less mentally alert, a tingling or numbness in the face or hands, having trouble thinking straight, seeing flashing lights, or a strange sense of smell, touch, or taste can happen beforehand.

How to Get Rid of a Migraine Headache

There is currently no cure for migraines, but there are a lot of ways to treat its symptoms. When you are experiencing one, you should try to find a calm environment with no strong scents. A dark, quiet room where you can lay down is ideal. Drinking water and applying a cold or hot compress will soothe your head. Taking a nap or doing a short meditation can also help ease the symptoms you’re feeling.

How to Treat Migraine Headaches

If you are struggling to determine the exact trigger of your migraines, you can try to avoid the common ones like alcohol and allergens. There are also certain lifestyle changes you can make as preventative measures. Keeping a consistent sleeping schedule, regular exercise, reducing stress, and having three healthy meals a day will help prevent migraines. The most important thing you can also do is to add chiropractic care to your monthly routine.  

Chiropractic Treatment for Migraine Headaches in Kennesaw

As a neurological disease, migraines need to be treated from the source. Chiropractors deliver non-invasive therapy to your muscles and nerves. The Hall Way of Healing provides the healing your body needs to reduce pain, inflammation, and stress so that you can be restored to your best physical and mental functioning.